domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014



In his interview Sunday September 21 with Chicago CBS affiliate, Bishop Cupich suggested he would be open to giving communion to pro-abortion catholic politicians. However, the bishop puts a condition: “as long as they’re in church, are willing to hear the word of God, be open to Christ’s call of conversion for each one of us, then I think that that’s sufficient for me.”

A question must be solved. When I was in the seminary in the 1950s, we learned in canon law that any person involved in killing an unborn in the mother’s womb was “ipso facto” excommunicated. Even the person who would open the door was excommunicated. A politician who votes to kill the unborn in the womb of the mother is definitely excommunicated; he or she has committed a very grave sin. Admitting that excommunication has no value in today’s culture, I saw bishops laughing at hearing the word “excommunication,” mortal sins still remain mortal sins.

 And authorizing killing the unborn is a grave and mortal sin as declared saint John Paul II. The bishop must not forget that such a politician, voting to kill the unborn in the womb of the mother, must repent before receiving the sacrament of penance to forgive this very grave sin. Repenting for having committed such a grave sin means he or she is no more a pro-abortion politician. Repenting means to change, to be transformed into values of God. To such a repenting sinner, then the bishop may give communion to a repenting catholic politician.

I know so many believers who are confused with the bishop’s stance on pro-abortion politicians and giving them communion. The fact that such politicians are “open” to dialogue does not mean at all that they repent for having committed such a grave sin, for authorizing the killing of so many innocent souls whom they sentenced to death for no other cause than “not being wanted.” Have anyone of them gone to confession before receiving the Body of Christ in their communion?

Saint Paul, in his first letter to the Corinthians, writes: 1 Cor 11:27-29

“Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord. A person should examine himself, and so eat the bread and drink the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself.”

Thus, catholic politicians, who deliberately continue to be pro-abortion and to be given them the Body of Christ in Holy Communion, make the bishop and his priests accomplices in their grave sins and darken the image of the bishop and his priests in the faithful.
   The apostle John, in his first letter, writes: 1 John 1:6

“If we say, “We have fellowship with him (Jesus), while we continue to walk in darkness, we lie and do not act in truth.”

It is alarming to see bishop Cupich willing to give communion to such “murderers “who refuse to repent before eating the Body of Christ.!

What is Pope Francis looking for in appointing bishop Cupich to be the next Archbishop of Chicago ? We know that the Pope did not make this appointment lightly. He looked into bishop Cupich’s past, into his works, his teachings as a pastor of souls. He knew that bishop Cupich discouraged his priests from participating in demonstration outside abortion facilities. We applaud to the fact that  bishop Cupich specifies the priests' primary role as teachers of the Word to the faithful. Priests teaching catechism is certainly their primary role. However, so few fulfill their primary role. A great blessing archbishop Cupich must bring to his priestly people of God in Chicago is to make mandatory the study of CATECHESI TRADENDAE of saint John Paul II in his major seminary.

However, bishop Cupich’s progressive views must not interfere with the traditional doctrine of the Catholic Church. Grave sins are grave sins to be forgiven only to the repenting sinner in the sacrament of confession. Perhaps bishop Cupich should be interested in clarifying his stance on giving communion to pro-abortion politicians. Does he means that for a pro-abortion politician just being in church at a Sunday Mass and to be open to dialogue is enough for them to give them communion?

 To receive the sacraments of penance and the Holy Eucharist means much more than a presence at a Sunday Mass and be open to dialogue. The transformation the bishop mentions must be real in facts not only in words. The bishop relies only on the pro-abortion politicians’ words! This is unbelievable!

 Bishop Cupich is fostering a new doctrine and not only a pastoral approach to pro-abortion politicians receiving Holy communion. Are we witnessing a doctrinal change in the Church just for the sake of pleasing catholic politicians in their grave sins? God forbid!  Why Islam is getting the attention of so many of our young people?  The answer is this:  our young people find in Islam a faith attitude more conducive to the demands of  Jesus' teachings.  Changing the demands of the Catholic faith to keep unrepenting Catholic politicians in the Church is to deny Jesus on the Cross; it is a treacherous act.

  However,  Jesus is at the helm of His Ship, the Church; it is His Church. Whatever Pope Francis will approve, we shall accept in faith for he is the person holding the keys to the door to the trinitarian beatitude of the Eternal Life.
The professor Father Louis George Dupuis