jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

OUR FIRST PERSONAL SIN IS IN ADAM´S HUMAN NATURE  WHEN OUR FIRST PARENTS SINNED.  Their sin is called ACTUAL SIN, our sin is called ORIGINAL SIN because it is an INHERITED SIN from our first parents. However, It is a personal sin in each one of us as Pope Pius XII proclaimed in HUMANI GENERIS.  God creates our personal soul in our body. Our body shares in Adam´s human nature since we are all descendents of Adam.  Thus, being descendents of Adam,  we are all inheriting  Adam´s sin called the ORIGINAL SIN.  We are definitely born in sin as revealed in Psalm 51.

1)-Adam possesses all the human nature within himself.  He is the only human.  All his descendents are humans since we receive our human nature from Adam.

Whatever Adam does, the whole human nature does also because he is the only human being in the whole world.  If Adam had obeyed God´s commandment, Adam would have passed on to us a human nature blessed with SANTIFYING GRACE together with the:


1-good health and therefore no suffering

2-good knowledge and therefore no ignorance

3-good judgment and therefore no concupiscence

4-immortality and therefore to go to heaven without dying.



Our beloved Pope Francis enjoys a popularity almost worldwide!  Throngs of people appreciate his company and his ministerial life style.  On the other hand, the Catholic Church is bleeding at an alarming speed.  In the Church, we can mention many devotions “out of business”  specially the Sunday mass attendance is rapidly vanishing in many catholic countries.  In the USA no more than 17% of the Americans claim to be related to a  church


The complete absence of bishops and priests from teaching catechesis in and out of parishes is certainly the main factor for the falling of church attendance.   Also their refusing to teach the  ORIGINAL SIN, the only cause of all evils in the world,  is the leading cause of people abandoning the FAITH.  According to NBC news on May 12, 2015, for  one conversion to the Catholic Church, FOUR are leaving the Church. 

Saint John Paul II tried to reform seminaries into training centers forming priests-catechists.  Bishops were more interested in Maslow atheist psychology and opposed him;  theologians also  refused totally to teach the ORIGINAL SIN.  Our seminaries are the official hideouts of Maslow´s atheist psychology in the universal church.

4)-The supernatural  the mystery of faith has disappeared specially from the mass and the CATHOLIC IDENTITY.  

Our beloved Pope Francis, in his audience April 22, 2015, has  shamefully and deceitfully paraphrased the downfall of Adam and Eve.     He totally rejects THE ORIGINAL SIN  and  our inheriting their sin with its devastating consequences in all of mankind.  Why the Pope wants to lie to us is mysterious!


The Holy Father in his own words:

“But then the devil introduces suspicion into their minds, disbelief, distrust, and finally, disobedience to the commandment that protected them. They fall into that delirium of omnipotence that pollutes everything and destroys harmony. We too feel it inside of us, all of us, frequently.”


We do not feel sin, WE ACKNOWLEDGE SIN. Feelings are no sin! This is unbelievable to see how the doctrine of the ORGINAL SIN is being massacred and the necessity of a redeemer vanished.  The Holy Father teaches the  sin of our first parents is their personal sin and has nothing to do with us. Unfortunately this is a solemnly condemned teaching at the Council of Trent.     He writes that after their fall, their sin is not passed on to us.  The only thing the Holy Father offers to us after the fall are “feelings” but no sin,  as he writes.


5)-Pope Francis refuses to teach the catholic faith in the downfall of our first parents

The Pope, in his audience of April 22, 2015,   replaces the supernatural level for the human level with meaningless emotions.  Thus the mystery of faith and the supernatural is lost and also the ORIGINAL SIN, the leading dogma of the Catholic Faith.  Such abuses from the bishops have been going on for so many years that the CATHOLIC IDENTITY vanished from the believers. 

6)-Dr. Jay Boyd, in Homiletic and Pastoral Review of April 27, 2015,

 affirms that “ the most important part of Catholic identity is the supernatural reality of our faith—the “mystery of faith,” the part that we can’t see and measure. It is the foundation of the natural reality. The relationship is reciprocal and cyclical, too: the supernatural reality of our faith is expressed in and gives real meaning to the natural reality; the natural reality, in turn, reinforces and reflects the supernaturality.”


Now the worst aspect of the SUPERNATURAL CRISIS in the Church is the fact that there is no authority to turn to for help since the supernatural crisis is within the hierarchy from priests, bishops way up to the Pope  of the Church.  I tell all my students to turn to the holy Rosary, the most powerful supernatural help.


Pope Leo XIII, in his document  TESTEM BENEVOLENCIAE to the bishops of America.    

In his famous letter TESTEM BENEVOLENCIAE  to the United States bishops, Pope Leo XIII affirms: 

“We cannot consider as totally free of guilt the silence that intentionally leads to the omission or negligence  of certain texts of the utmost importance of the Christian doctrine  since all the fundamental truths come from the same Author and Master, “the only Son , God, who is at the Father´s side.” Jn 1:18. 

They adapt to all ages and to all nations, as are seen clearly in the words of our Lord to his apostles: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold I am with you always, until the end of the world.” Mt 28:19

“With regard to this matter, Council Vatican II states: “All these doctrines are to be accepted with divine and catholic faith as containing the Word of God, written or transmitted orally by the Church, and that the Church, may it be in a solemn declaration or in her universal ordinary magisterium, proposed to be accepted because they were divinely revealed.”         Const. De fe del capitulo III.


9)-Saint John Paul II told us “IF YOU WANT TO KNOW GOD, LOOK AT THE SAINTS.”  

All the saints have a divine faith in understanding of the ORIGINAL SIN and its devastating consequences inclining us to do evil.   St John Marie Vianney, the patron saint of the priests, bishops and Popes, taught his people how to live with the effects of the ORIGINAL SIN.  Satan was a reality in his life and in the life of his people. He often repeated to them “YOU WANT TO GO TO HEAVEN BUT YOU DO EVERYTING TO GO TO HELL.”  He taught them the fear of God a gift from the Holy Spirit.  He taught them not to count on the MERCY OF GOD if they were UNREPENTED SINNERS.

10)-It is unbelievable where our beloved Pope has fallen into. 

When Pope Francis   negates the ORIGINAL SIN, he becomes a heretic!  And the original sin  does not disappear. Our beloved Francis understands that.  He also understands that he makes satan become a hidden enemy doing his devastating manipulation of  souls without any fear from the Church since the Pope ignores his devastating role in the fall of our first parents and its devastating consequences in us. 


What a terrible MESS the Church is in with a Pope denying the doctrine of the original sin!


It is an act of treason from our bishops and the Pope to  teach  to believers A DECEITFUL KNOWLEDGE of their origin in the  human family and SPECIFICALLY THAT THEY HAVE NO RELATION TO  JESUS CHRIST. God did not send His beloved Son into the human race just to see a few bad emotions on earth.


Denying the ORIGINAL SIN, the Pope and the bishops should deny baptism since we do not baptize someone only because he(she) has a few emotions as the Pope would like us to believe!  I personally met priests teaching at the major seminary in Morelia, Mexico who categorically refused to baptize infants since the seminary taught them the child is born good and without sin!  I never understood why Archbishop now Cardinal Suarez was tolerating Maslow psychology in his seminary.


The very grave error committed by our catholic bishops might explain to us why the gravity of sin has disappeared from the faithful.  The homosexuals are asking the Church to delist HOMOSEXUALITY from her sin list!    live with This is strange for so-called believers to think the Church makes her list of sins!  Men and women both catholic, by the thousand,  live as husband and wife only with the civil union; sometime they go to mass on Sunday and always take communion. It is certainly a flagrant proof that the Church fails to teach the faithful about sins, WHAT IS SIN? WHERE DOES IT COME FROM?  IS GOD BEING OFFENDED?  And  WHO MAY SIN?

Pope Francis, undoubtedly, in his same catechesis of April 22, 2015, fails to teach the faith about Adam and Eve as our first parents and what we inherited from their disobedience to God´s commandment.  However, after mentioning the beauty of the covenant between Adam and Eve,  he says this:

“The responsibility of guarding this covenant between man and woman is ours, although we are sinners and are wounded, confused and humiliated, discouraged and uncertain.”  Pope Francis failed to clarify  WHY  we are NAILED sinners and wounded, confused and humiliated, discouraged and uncertain?  The Pope certainly knows that these are no feelings but facts that we cannot touch but we must learn about them  and why we inherit them, and how the saints learned to live with them.  Crashing a plane with all its victims aboard, for instance, is no feelings but an act of vengeance which comes from our inheriting the ORIGINAL SIN.    Lying to our people is the cause of their defection from the Church since they come back after the Church with vengeance.  

15)-In DOMINUM ET VIVIFICANTEM, #35, John Paul II affirms that

The Spirit, therefore, who "searches everything, even the depths of God," knows from the beginning "the secrets of man."133 For this reason he alone can fully "convince concerning the sin" that happened at the beginning, that sin which is the root of all other sins and the source of man's sinfulness on earth, a source which never ceases to be active.  Also in #38 saint John Paul II writes, The analysis of sin in its original dimension indicates that, through the influence of the "father of lies," throughout the history of humanity there will be a constant pressure on man to reject God, even to the point of hating him: "Love of self to the point of contempt for God," as St. Augustine puts it.143


We are asking our beloved Pope Francis to come back to teaching us the supernatural faith.  Please,  Holy Father, leave behind the human which cannot lead us to heaven; teach us the supernatural faith of the apostles as coming down through centuries in the Apostolic Succession.  They conquered the world with their supernatural faith.  Their teaching of the ORIGINAL SIN is a revealed doctrine; don´t teach us atheist psychology anymore.  Jesus is with you to make this “about turn”!  We pray for you!   

Father Louis George Dupuis, professor-catechist.


Pope Benedict XVI begged the bishops not to abandon teaching the ORIGINAL SIN since THE ORIGINAL  SIN belongs to many dogmas of our catholic faith.  Following is the text of Pope  Benedict XVI answering  the catholic bishops.



US BISHOPS put Benedict XVI on notice that they did not accept the doctrine of the original sin.  They argued this dogma of faith passed!  They knew better today.  The humanist psychotherapy “GELSTAT” of Maslow teaches the child is born good with all the potentials within himself  to succeed completely . Jesus telling us “without me you can do nothing” also passed.  However, bishops cannot explain why they still baptize the child.  We beg Pope Francis to unite with Benedict XVI to bring the bishops back to Jesus.  The family synod is not based on the truth; the child at home and in the church is not taught his origin, why this destructive force within himself always inclining him(her) to destroy his neighbor.  JESUS SAVE YOUR CHURCH FROM DESTRUCTION.  Following is the answer Benedict XVI gave to the bishops which was completely ignored by the bishops.



Paul VI Audience Hall
Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Saint Paul (15):

The Apostle’s teaching on the relation between Adam and Christ

The original sin
in the teachings of saint Paul

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In today's Catechesis we shall reflect on the relations between Adam and Christ, defined by St Paul in the well-known passage of the Letter to the Romans (5: 12-21) in which he gives the Church the essential outline of the doctrine on original sin.

Indeed, Paul had already introduced the comparison between our first progenitor and Christ while addressing faith in the Resurrection in the First Letter to the Corinthians: "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.... "The first man Adam became a living being'; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit" (1 Cor 15: 22, 45). With Romans 5: 12-21, the comparison between Christ and Adam becomes more articulate and illuminating: Paul traces the history of salvation from Adam to the Law and from the latter to Christ. At the centre of the scene it is not so much Adam, with the consequences of his sin for humanity, who is found as much as it is Jesus Christ and the grace which was poured out on humanity in abundance through him. The repetition of the "all the more" with regard to Christ stresses that the gift received in him far surpasses Adam's sin and its consequent effects on humanity, so that Paul could reach his conclusion: "but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more" (Rm 5: 20). The comparison that Paul draws between Adam and Christ therefore sheds light on the inferiority of the first man compared to the prevalence of the second.

On the other hand, it is precisely in order to highlight the immeasurable gift of grace in Christ that Paul mentions Adam's sin. One could say that if it were not to demonstrate the centrality of grace, he would not have dwelt on the treatment of sin which "came into the world through one man and death through sin" (Rm 5: 12). For this reason, if, in the faith of the Church, an awareness of the dogma of original sin developed, it is because it is inseparably linked to another dogma, that of salvation and freedom in Christ. The consequence of this is that we must never treat the sin of Adam and of humanity separately from the salvific context, in other words, without understanding them within the horizon of justification in Christ.

However, as people of today we must ask ourselves:

what is this original sin?

 What does St Paul teach?,   what does the Church teach?

Is this doctrine still sustainable today?

Many think that in light of the history of evolution, there is no longer room for the doctrine of a first sin that then would have permeated the whole of human history. And, as a result, the matter of Redemption and of the Redeemer would also lose its foundation.

Therefore, does original sin exist or not?

In order to respond, we must distinguish between two aspects of the doctrine on original sin. There exists an empirical aspect, that is, a reality that is concrete, visible, I would say tangible to all. And an aspect of mystery concerning the ontological foundation of this event.

1)-The empirical fact is that a contradiction exists in our being. On the one hand every person knows that he must do good and intimately wants to do it. Yet at the same time he also feels the other impulse to do the contrary, to follow the path of selfishness and violence, to do only what pleases him, while also knowing that in this way he is acting against the good, against God and against his neighbour. In his Letter to the Romans St Paul expressed this contradiction in our being in this way: "I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but I do the evil I do not want" (7: 18-19). This inner contradiction of our being is not a theory. Each one of us experiences it every day. And above all we always see around us the prevalence of this second will. It is enough to think of the daily news of injustice, violence, falsehood and lust. We see it every day. It is a fact.

As a consequence of this evil power in our souls, a murky river developed in history which poisons the geography of human history. Blaise Pascal, the great French thinker, spoke of a "second nature", which superimposes our original, good nature. This "second nature" makes evil appear normal to man. Hence even the common expression "he's human" has a double meaning. "He's human", can mean: this man is good, he really acts as one should act. But "he's human", can also imply falsity: evil is normal, it is human. Evil seems to have become our second nature. This contradiction of the human being, of our history, must evoke, and still evokes today, the desire for redemption. And, in reality, the desire for the world to be changed and the promise that a world of justice, peace and good will be created exists everywhere. In politics, for example, everyone speaks of this need to change the world, to create a more just world. And this is precisely an expression of the longing for liberation from the contradiction we experience within us.

Thus, the existence of the power of evil in the human heart and in human history is an undeniable fact. The question is: how can this evil be explained?

 In the history of thought, Christian faith aside, there exists a key explanation of this duality, with different variations. This model says: being in itself is contradictory, it bears within it both good and evil. In antiquity, this idea implied the opinion that two equally primal principles existed: a good principle and a bad principle. This duality would be insuperable; the two principles are at the same level, so this contradiction from the being's origin would always exist. The contradiction of our being would therefore only reflect the contrary nature of the two divine principles, so to speak. In the evolutionist, atheist version of the world the same vision returns in a new form. Although in this conception the vision of being is monist, it supposes that being as such bears within itself both evil and good from the outset. Being itself is not simply good, but open to good and to evil. Evil is equally primal with the good. And human history would develop only the model already present in all of the previous evolution. What Christians call original sin would in reality be merely the mixed nature of being, a mixture of good and evil which, according to atheist thought, belong to the same fabric of being. This is a fundamentally desperate view: if this is the case, evil is invincible. In the end all that counts is one's own interest. All progress would necessarily be paid for with a torrent of evil and those who wanted to serve progress would have to agree to pay this price. Politics is fundamentally structured on these premises and we see the effects of this. In the end, this modern way of thinking can create only sadness and cynicism.

And let us therefore ask again: what does faith witnessed to by St Paul tell us? As the first point, it confirms the reality of the competition between the two natures, the reality of this evil whose shadow weighs on the whole of Creation. We heard chapter seven of the Letter to the Romans, we shall add chapter eight. Quite simply, evil exists. As an explanation, in contrast with the dualism and monism that we have briefly considered and found distressing,

2)-faith tells us: there exist two mysteries, one of light and one of night, that is, however, enveloped by the mysteries of light.

The first mystery of light is this: faith tells us that there are not two principles, one good and one evil, but there is only one single principle, God the Creator, and this principle is good, only good, without a shadow of evil. And therefore, being too is not a mixture of good and evil; being as such is good and therefore it is good to be, it is good to live. This is the good news of the faith: only one good source exists, the Creator. Therefore living is a good, it is a good thing to be a man or a woman life is good. Then follows a mystery of darkness, or night. Evil does not come from the source of being itself, it is not equally primal.

Evil comes from a freedom created, from a freedom abused.

How was it possible, how did it happen? This remains obscure. Evil is not logical. Only God and good are logical, are light. Evil remains mysterious. It is presented as such in great images, as it is in chapter 3 of Genesis, with that scene of the two trees, of the serpent, of sinful man: a great image that makes us guess but cannot explain what is itself illogical. We may guess, not explain; nor may we recount it as one fact beside another, because it is a deeper reality. It remains a mystery of darkness, of night. But a mystery of light is immediately added. Evil comes from a subordinate source. God with his light is stronger. And therefore evil can be overcome. Thus the creature, man, can be healed. The dualist visions, including the monism of evolutionism, cannot say that man is curable; but if evil comes only from a subordinate source, it remains true that man is healable. And the Book of Wisdom says: "he made the nations of the world curable" (1: 14 Vulgate).

3)-GOD INTRODUCED HEALING:  And finally, the last point: man is not only healable, but is healed de facto. God introduced healing. He entered into history in person. He set a source of pure good against the permanent source of evil. The Crucified and Risen Christ, the NEW ADAM, counters the murky river of evil with a river of light. And this river is present in history: we see the Saints, the great Saints but also the humble saints, the simple faithful. We see that the stream of light which flows from Christ is present, is strong.

Brothers and sisters, it is the season of Advent. In the language of the Church the word Advent has two meanings: presence and anticipation. Presence: the light is present, Christ is the new Adam, he is with us and among us. His light is already shining and we must open the eyes of our hearts to see the light and to enter into the river of light. Above all we must be grateful for the fact that God himself entered history as a new source of good. But Advent also means anticipation. The dark night of evil is still strong. And therefore in Advent we pray with the ancient People of God: "Rorate caeli desuper". And we pray insistently: come Jesus; come, give power to light and to good; come where falsehood, ignorance of God, violence and injustice predominate. Come Lord Jesus, give power to the good in the world and help us to be bearers of your light, peacemakers, witnesses of the truth. Come, Lord Jesus!


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